Malaysian Sukuk: A Superior Alternative to Traditional Financing

The world of finance is constantly evolving, with new instruments and products emerging on a regular basis. One such innovation that has gained considerable traction in recent years is the Sukuk, a type of Islamic bond that is rapidly gaining popularity globally. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Malaysian Sukuk and explore why it may be a superior alternative to traditional financing options.

What is the Malaysian Sukuk?

The Malaysian Sukuk is a type of bond that is structured in compliance with Islamic financial principles. This means that the bond is free from riba (interest), gharar (uncertainty), and maysir (gambling), which are all prohibited in Islamic finance. Instead, the Sukuk is structured as a joint investment between the issuer and the investors, with profits and losses shared according to a predetermined ratio.

The Malaysian Sukuk is unique in that it is backed by tangible assets, such as real estate or infrastructure projects. This provides investors with … Read the rest

Water Treatment for Fish Aquaculture System

Fish processing processes produce wastewater, that comprises active organic contaminating microbes in colloidal, soluble, and particle form, similar to other processing businesses. The degree of contaminants varies depending on the procedure. It might be light, moderate, or substantial.

Need of aquaculture water treatment

Varied fish species require a different set of water quality characteristics to survive, thrive, and reproduce, thus why aquaculture water treatment is important for sustainable fish farming. Each type does have its optimum range or the range where it works best, within certain tolerance limits. Thus, fish farmers must guarantee that the chemical and physical conditions of the water stay as close to ideal as feasible for the fish within their care at all times.

Fish will have poor growth, irregular behavior, illness symptoms, and parasite infestations if they are kept outside of these ideal parameters. Fish mortality may occur in extreme circumstances or when unfavorable conditions persist for an extended length of time.

Treatment stages for Read the rest

Five Facts About Soap Noodles

Soap noodles are fast becoming the must-have commodity for soap manufacturers the world over. The biggest market for soap noodles is Asia Pacific like Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia etc. but other continents are catching up fast with this market newcomer. Read on to gain useful insights into some key facts about soap noodles.

1. Soap noodles: One Shape, Many Recipes

Let’s start with the obvious: the characteristic pellet shape of soap noodles. Thanks to the plasticity of the vegetable base, noodle shapes can be obtained easily and shipped in any volume with great convenience.

The simple little pellets enable manufacturers to blend in fragrance and pigments when making soap bars. More or less soap noodles can come into play for each recipe depending on which usage it is for. This is the reason why the same soap noodles can be used to produce personal hygiene products, laundry soap or even multi-purpose soap.

2. Oil-based Soap Noodles for an Eco-friendly Approach

The … Read the rest

What Is ‘Peer-To-Peer Lending’ and How Does It Work

To start with a definition, peer-to-peer lending (sometimes called p-2-p lending) is lending between people online. Peer-to-peer is person-to-person, but on a large scale (and can be p-2-b, person-to-business). There is an intermediary or platform at the center of this transaction, but typically not a bank.
Each lender in the p-2-p transaction might lend money to many borrowers, perhaps only a small amount of capital to each: An individual might borrow money from many different lenders, who collectively offer the sum that the borrower requests.

In the traditional market for borrowing money, the bank accepts the deposit of funds from customers – depositors – and the bank then lends the deposited funds to other customers, other banks or governments – i.e. borrowers.
The bank typically pays interest to the depositors on the funds they have lodged with the bank. The borrowers, conversely, are charged interest on the funds they have borrowed.

The bank expects to pay the depositors less than … Read the rest

Guide to Purchasing a Rotary Evaporator

A device that is used in most chemical laboratories to use the evaporation method to remove solvents from different types of samples is known as a rotary evaporator. The information provided in this write-up will help you to know this device more closely and tips to buy the best one for you.

What does a Rotary Evaporator Include?

A rotary evaporator includes a vacuum system, a motor unit, a vapor duct, a bath for hot fluid, a collection flask, a motorized operating system a coil for passing coolant, and a condenser. A vacuum is created in the rotating flask of glass to allow this device to work on a sample.

How does a Rotary Evaporator Work?

A flask placed on a bath of hot water is rotated gradually to form a thin layer inside it which in turn increases the surface area to vaporize the molecules of gas at a constant temperature. This process can help in removing … Read the rest